community call

Women in Wellbeing Community Calls

See you there!

Are you building a business in the wellbeing space? Wish you could connect with other women doing the same?

Join our free monthly virtual community calls to connect, share insights, and inspire one another.

First Tuesday of every month | 10-11am (BST/GMT)

About our Community Calls

Building a business is rewarding, and it can also be challenging, lonely and impactful on our own wellbeing. 

So join our supportive community of women who understand. We can offer each other space to listen, feel heard, give advice (if requested) and accountability. 

We can set ourselves intentions for our month ahead, and check back on the next call to see how we're getting on.

first tuesday of the month | 10-11am (BST/gmt) | Zoom

women in wellbeing community calls

can't wait to meet you!

Our community is feminist, anti-racist, trans-inclusive and decolonial. You are welcome to forward this invite to anyone who shares these values.


how much does it cost?

Community Calls are free to attend. 

You just need an email address and access to Zoom on your phone/laptop. 

where will the workshop take place?

Our Community Calls take place on Zoom. 

Sign up via this form to join our mailing list. You'll receive a welcome email, and then the joining info ahead of each call. Community Calls will not be recorded.

What will we talk about?

From practical things (like the best apps and systems) to personal (like how to care for yourself alongside your business), to purpose (vision boarding, blue sky thinking, sharing our boldest ambitions).  

What do I need to bring to the calls?

You don't need to prepare anything! We'll start with a short meditation to ground ourselves, introductions, then everyone will have chance to share their business, any wins, challenges and opportunities to collaborate.

why host these calls?

Working for ourselves can be rewarding, but sometimes lonely, scary and brave too. I know so many brilliant women building businesses to help connect, change and heal the world, and I'd love to introduce you all to each other!

how often are calls?

Our Community Calls are monthly on the first Tuesday of the month from 10-11am (BST/GMT). Once the group is established we can collectively consider other times/days that could also work.

about the joyful activists

Meet our founder

Katy Massey is an award-winning girls' rights specialist, human rights activist and trauma-informed practitioner. She has worked and volunteered in the charity and humanitarian sectors in the UK and internationally for over 15 years.

Her mission with The Joyful Activists is to co-create a world which prioritises the wellbeing of activists, so activists can continue prioritising the wellbeing of the world. 

Prioritising joy, connection and community have been instrumental in Katy's wellbeing and longevity in the sector. Her favourite wellbeing activities are surfing, cold water swimming and hiking.

Community Call

Join our community of women building businesses to connect , change and heal the world.